Mô tả sản phẩm
- The first match played on this account was in 2013; it's a 12-year-old account with 25k hours played (21,465 matches)
- The server is global, so you can play on any server and find matches within 1-2 minutes.
- Main Roles: I have played all roles, so don't worry about it.
- Hours played: 25,711 hours
- Phone Number: Activated (You can play ranked match right away)
- Add Friends Feature: Unlocked
- Community Market: Activated
Dota Plus Shards: 63,225
- Steam Profile: Level 10 (12 years of service)
[Arcanas] Tempest Helm of the Thundergod, Inscribed Blades of the Voth Domosh
[Items] The account has over 1,400 items, including rare, expensive, and latest cache sets, immortals, and normal sets, which are too many to list.