Mô tả sản phẩm
Server: America (won't work on other servers)
Adventure Rank: 56
World Level: 8
Intertwined Fate: 0
Banner Enrolled: Limited - 20/90
Primogems: 0
C1: Jean, Cyno, Keqing, Qiqi
C2: Dilic, Beidou, Kuki Shinobu
C3: Heizou
C4: Rosaira, Yanfei, Sayu, Yun Jin, Kuki shmnobu
C5: Bennett, Xingqiu
C6: Thoma, Sucrose, Niungguang, Gorou, Collei, Xiangling, Fischl, Chongyun, Noelle
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds
Vortex Vanquisher
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