Mô tả sản phẩm
- Main Roles: Safelane
- Main Heroes: Clinkz, OD, Silencer
- Hours played: 5042 Hours
- Phone Number: Activated
- Steam Market: Activated
- Dota Plus Shards: 68,925
- Steam Profile: Level 11 (8 years of service)
Battle Pass:
The International 6: Level 250
The International 7: Level 251
The International 8: Level 503
The International 9: Level 681
The International 10: Level 646
The International 11: Level 128
Nemestice 2021: Level 577
Battle Pass's Prestige Items:
[TI6] Immortal Gardens Terrain (Terrain)
[TI6] Legacy of the Fallen Legion - Full Unlock (Legion Commander)
[TI6] Cavern Crawl: Scale of the Razorwyrm - Full Unlock (Ursa)
[TI7] Reef Edge Terrain (Terrain)
[TI7] Prize of the Saltworn Mariner (Kunkka)
[TI7] Arcana: Benevolent Companion (IO)
[TI7] Cavern Crawl: Shoreline Sapper (Ogre Magi)
[TI8] The Emerald Abyss Terrain (Terrain)
[TI8] Cavernite Creeps (Creeps)
[TI8] Hell-Spar Anathema - Style Unlocked (Lion)
[TI8] Cavern Crawl: Desolate Conquest (Legion Commander)
[TI9] Overgrown Empire (Terrain)
[TI9] Reptilian Refuge Creeps (Creeps)
[TI9] Majesty of the Colossus (Tiny)
[TI9] Persona: Acolyte of the Lost Arts (Invoker)
[TI9] Arcana: Planetfall (Earthshaker)
[TI9] Axe Unleashed (Axe)
[TI10] Sanctums of the Divine Terrain (Terrain)
[TI10] Persona: The Toy Butcher (Pudge)
[TI10] Persona: The Disciple's Path (Anti Mage)
[TI10] Arcana: The One True King (Wraith King)
[TI10] Arcana: Eminence of Ristul (Queen Of Pain)
[TI10] Arcana: Compass of the Rising Gale (Windranger)
[Nemestice 2021] Arcana: Phantom Advent Bundle (Spectre)
[Nemestice 2021] Persona: Davion of Dragon Hold (Dragon Knight)
[Nemestice 2021] Persona: Dark Artistry Throwback (Invoker)
[TI11] Cavern Crawl: Isle of Dragons - Full Unlock (Juggernaut)
Other Limited/Not Tradable Immortals/Cache Sets/Rare Items:
[TI9 Cache II] Tribal Pathways (Warlock)
[TI9 Cache II] Grim Destiny (Wraith King)
[Nemestice 2021 Cache] Litany of the Damned (Doom)
[Nemestice 2021 Cache] Desert Bloom (Nature's Prophet)
[Nemestice 2021 Cache] Eyriebound Imperator (Skywrath Mage)
[Nemestice 2021 Cache] Caerulean Star (Enchantress)
[Nemestice 2021 Cache] Arcane Inverter (Gyrocopter)
[Nemestice 2021 Cache] Defender of the Brumal Crest (Winter Wyvern)
and more...
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